Exploring Movement
Exploring movement classes at Gyminny Kids are designed for special needs VIP’s along with a fantastic grown-up helper. Classes involve hundreds of different equipment pieces to engage various muscle groups, support multiple therapies, and explore budding abilities physically and behaviorally. Equipment includes our famous Bungee Bouncer invented and produced by our very own Coach, Gary Johnson. Exploring Movement is an outreach program funded by Gyminny Kids Inc as a way to give back. Thus the cost is $10 per class, $40 per month.
This program was created in honor of our very own Malachi Bernal and all those impacted by traumatic brain injury.
Saturday | 7:45-8:15 am (4s ranch location)
Saturday | 4:00-4:30 pm (Poway Location)
Spaces are limited and will be offered on a first-come, first-serve basis. Once enrolled, continued enrollment will rollover. If an absence is not called in ahead of time or is inconsistent, enrollment will be offered to a child on the waitlist.
Classes will have a minimum of 6 VIP kids. If the minimum requirement isn’t met, the class will be canceled. If the class is full, a waitlist will be made available. Please register at least 24 hours in advance.